Category Archives: Cattery Services

Pricing and Drop-Off/Collection Times

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The cost of boarding is £10 per night for a single cat (cost of food, heating and insurance are included in this price). There is a charge of £5 for each cat collected after midday. We also offer a discount for two or more cats sharing. Please contact us for further information.

All cats are insured during their stay but this does not cover any pre-existing or ongoing conditions requiring veterinary care. Please read our Terms and Conditions for more details.

Opening hours for drop off/collection:

Monday to Friday: 10am-11am & 5-6pm.
Saturday & Sunday: 10am – 11am.

Find out more about our cattery accommodation and make sure you know what you need to do before your cat arrives.

Before Your Cat Arrives…

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All cats must be fully inoculated against Feline Infectious Enteritis (Feline Panleukopenia Virus) and Cat Flu (Feline Herpesvirus and Feline Calicivirus) with their annual booster at least two weeks before boarding with us.

It's essential that you bring your cat’s vaccination record with you as we will not be able to permit them into the cattery under any circumstances unless we have been able to verify their vaccination history.

We also recommend that all cats are up-to-date with their flea and worming treatments.

We will discuss your cat’s current diet with you and where possible maintain your cat on their usual food.

It's important to make us aware of any medication that your cat requires. Unfortunately, we're unable to accept cats that require injections at this time.

It's advisable to transport your cat in a strong carrier to minimise the stress on them whilst travelling. This will also reduce the opportunity for them to jump from your arms when carrying them from the car to reception as this will be an unfamiliar environment for them.

Read more about pricing and drop-off/collection times, plus find out more about our cattery accommodation.

Our Cattery Accommodation

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All of our cat chalets are spacious and comfortable with ample room for your cat to stretch or sit at height if they wish. We can provide individual heated beds where required. There is natural light throughout the cattery and some chalets have access to the windows to allow your cat to look out and observe their environment.

Our chalets can accommodate more than one cat from the same family and we can provide bedding and toys. However, feel free to bring along your cat’s own bedding and favourite toys or anything else that you think will make their stay more comfortable.


The cost for a single cat is £10 per night which includes food and insurance. Discounts can be arranged for two cats sharing from the same family. There is a charge of £5 for each cat collected after midday.

Read more about pricing and drop-off/collection times plus make sure you know what you need to do before your cat arrives.